Good morning and a Happy New Year to all. The sun is shining, it’s warming up (a little) and it’s the kind of day that makes a person feel good to be alive! The old year is gone, the New Year has begun. We know not what lies ahead of us, be it joy or sorrow, but we have the assurance of God’s helping hand if we allow Him to guide our lives.
Galen is on his way to Canada for the weekend, Cody & Stephen are making cheese with Rufus’ help now and then. David is making deliveries in the Iowa City area, the girls all have off today. JR and I are in the office, its end of year time. We expect things to be some slower around here this month and next, and actually, it’s rather nice. Hopefully we can catch up on odds & ends that keep getting pushed off.
Yesterday we had a meeting at our house. We had the privilege of having Linda Luke, our broker from Boston here for the day, and also Larry Kline, from Des Moines who is working with us on getting financial things in shape. (Linda’s plans for coming last month didn’t work out when her brother died unexpectantly. Our sympathies to her and the family) We are still in the expansion planning stage, at this point we are trying to figure out how much should we, can we, must we do to be the most efficient all around without breaking any pocket books! Not an easy answer. I made dinner for everyone. Home cured ham, potato stuffing, gravy, barbequed green beans, macaroni salad, cheese and a Boston Crème Pie. There are leftovers, will make an easy supper for tonight. Linda is flying home today. We enjoyed having her. She spent Wednesday night at JR & Crystal’s house. JR grilled steaks for supper, Crystal also had baked potatoes and salad, and I took Apple Goodie and ice cream.