March 22, 2013
The first day of Spring has come and gone, it was cold & windy, certainly not very spring-like. But that’s okay, we’ll take the colder weather now, then come April, nice and warm. (As though we get to pick!) We can at least hope for warmer weather. Actually, I was outside this morning raking yard and picking up twigs/sticks. I wore a coat & gloves, but it was a nice sunny morning. It turned cloudy by noon. Rose called from Wisconsin and had quite a start when I told her what I was doing. They still have lots of snow, she said she it gives her the blues to hear what I’m doing. That’s why I’m glad we don’t live farther north.
Rufus is in Iowa City this weekend, he had a talk at the Hy-Vee on Waterfront last evening at a cheese and wine tasting class. This afternoon he’s at New Pioneer Co-op in Iowa City, this evening at the Brix Restaurant, and tomorrow stopping at the Hy-Vee in Fairfield for a demo. We’ve been keeping him pretty busy on the road lately, and more to come. It’s one of his favorite things to do. Last week he was in Boston, next week he stays close to home.
David made deliveries in Des Moines yesterday instead of the normal Friday. This afternoon he’s doing a demo at the Hy-Vee in Kirksville. They wanted someone today, and since Rufus was already scheduled, David is taking this one. He’ll most likely get into doing more, he’ll do a good job. We sure value him here as an employee.